Counseling WORKS!    -   TESTIMONIALS

The Power of Effective Counseling While I am an advocate of counseling, I have always been apprehensive of counseling administered by individuals who were not qualified professionally.  I have known Drs. Jerry and Carolyn Lockett over 30 years and am proud to say, they have mastered the techniques of effective counseling.  There is power in effective counseling, and the Locketts have definitely perfected the skills necessary to result in effective outcomes.  
Darlene Allen-Nichols, PhD 
 Men Do Not Seek Counseling Often Enough
“I'll be the first to admit I'm in therapy.  It's been two years now.  I know two, only two, other black men in my circle who are in therapy, or, at least admit it (CNN, 2010).”  He spoke at length about his struggles with depression, which he revealed last summer after holding out from training camp. Compared with last year, Andrews said, “I’m at a better point, mentally and physically.

Shawn Andrews, Philadelphia Eagles
Source: New York Times, 2009
Counseling is for everyone.
JK Rowling has revealed that she thought of killing herself while suffering from depression as a struggling single mother.  “Mid-twenties life circumstances were poor and I really plummeted,” said Rowling. “The thing that made me go for help  was probably my daughter. She was something that earthed me, grounded me, and I thought, this isn’t right, this can’t be right, she cannot grow up with me in this state.” The Harry Potter author says she was prescribed cognitive behavioral therapy after suffering “suicidal thoughts” in the aftermath of separation from her first husband. 

Source: Fox News, 2008.